Frequently Asked
Setting Up Swigr
Getting Started
How do I add a label?
Once you’ve signed up to the platform, you’re able to add a label directly through the platform. You add the entire product label, in any graphic design format.
How long does it take to setup?
Three working days.
Once your label is uploaded, our team go through a number of steps to setup your product on the Swigr network. Within three days, we’ll be in touch to get you to try scanning the product from your end. And then it’s over to you.
Can I 'hide' my product until I'm ready?
Yes. Once your product is connected, you should add some content via the web platform, and start experimenting with virtual experiences.
By default, your account is in Dark Mode which means that it isn’t listed in the App, or mentioned anywhere. It won’t stop anyone from scanning your product, and doing so, will activate the experience. But no-one will know that your product is active, so it’s highly unlikely
What content can I add to create the experience
You add regular content, the same as you would on a social media channel.
- Video
- Images
- Text
- Links
What are the content specifications?
The content system is very accommodating, and generally will resize any content that you add to fit to an experience. To get the best outcomes, however these are the specifications:
- In horizonal landscape layout, 16:9 ratio
- Maximum file size is 150MB
- Maximum duration is 60 seconds
- YouTube video is used, it must be anonymously accessible (ie. no age restriction) and not utilise copyright music, or it may be blocked by YouTube
- Accepts JPG or PNG images, up to 2Mb each
- Images are resized to display in these formats depending on the scene
- Wrapped on Label – 16:9
- Horizontal – 1.8:1
- Square – 1:1
- Vertical – 1:1.8
- English characters only
- Fonts cannot be changed, they are set by the system
- You can link to any URL
- UTM tags will be written over by the system UTM tags
Layout options
- You cannot change layouts
Can I change the virtual experience?
Yes. The system has been made to be easy. You can change scenes, and you can change content within your scenes – anytime. You simply login through the website, make the changes, then hit Save.
A new experience will regenerate, and will be active from your products within one to two minutes.
Can I change products from which the virtual experience shows?
Not easily. There’s quite a bit of work required to setup a product (at our end). Whilst it can be done, it will incur a one-off charge of $400.

Technology Limitations
Product Limitations
What are the product limitations of Swigr™?
Swigr™ is a new technology, and uses augmented reality, which is in itself, is still considered to be an experimental technology. There are a handful of situations where the technology may not work as intended, or may not deliver the high quality experience for which it strives.
We take a completely transparent approach to the challenges of new technology, and we will always advise you if we believe that there may be an issue with your situation.
What products does Swigr™ work with?
Swigr™ works with all-sized standard cans and bottles, by default. In addition, Swigr™ can work with cylindrical and flat-faced bottles, with some additional setup. Unfortunately, Swigr™ is not presently capable of supporting custom shaped containers.
If you are not certain about the suitability of your products, please get in contact, and a member of our team will happily take a look to provide you with an answer.
What type of labels does Swigr™ work with?
Swigr™ relies on the finer details on the label image to identify, and then to track your product. Generally speaking, all labels work well, with the exception of two situations:
Swigr will not be able to track a product, where
- the label contains no detail. For example, a product that is a solid colour, with no identifying features cannot be tracked.
- the details are etched into the (glass) product rather than printed onto a label.
User Limitations
What are the user limitations of Swigr™?
Swigr™ uses vision recognition, tracking technology and augmented reality, all of which are new technologies of the last few years.
In situations which impede these technologies, users may not experience a high quality experience.
Does Swigr™ work with all phones?
No. Swigr works with most phones, but not all.
It can only work with phones that are capable of displaying augmented reality. Some phones, usually older models, do not have the inbuilt technology to display augmented reality.
Swigr works with iPhone X, and above.
This depends on the manufacturer. However, as a rule, Swigr works with all phone models released from 2018. Phone models released before 2017 generally lack the inbuilt technology to display augmented reality, and Swigr cannot operate.
Does Swigr™ ever crash?
Rarely. But, it can.
Augmented reality is a resource-intense exercise for your phone. If the App crashes, it’s because the phone is unable to handle the resources requirements, and shuts the App down. No harm is done to the phone, or to the App.
A combination these can crash the App.
- A phone with low hardware specs. (low processing power, low memory)
- A phone with many other apps open, or other activities running concurrently
- Moving the product around a lot (requiring recalculation of the AR)
- Moving the phone around a lot (requiring recalculation of the AR)
Does the surrounds affect Swigr™?
Swigr™ will work in all situations, provided that there is adequate light to track the product, and a steady internet connection for the augmented reality experiences.
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Get the full picture, by Downloading Swigr’s Information Pack – a jargon-free, visual guide to help you understand the options and possibilities – to quickly decide if and how Swigr can work for your situation.